Page 9 - Race Awareness Pocket Book
P. 9

What's the situation now?

               Many charities, organisations and individuals continue

               to work hard to eliminate racial discrimination from


               There have been reports which have showed that

               many people still experience racism in their lives -

               whether it's being left out or being called names. It can

               even happen in schools

               About 20 years ago, a report was done into the murder

               of a boy called Stephen Lawrence. It found that there

               were racist attitudes and beliefs within the Metropolitan

               police, which had affected how his murder was


               So, the 1976 law was changed in 2000 to include the

               police for the first time.

               Sometimes discrimination can be easy to spot - for

               example, if a hotel turns you away because you are

               gay. This is called direct discrimination.

               This is when you're treated differently simply because

               of who you are.

               But there are other times when you may be treated in

               the same way as everybody else, but it has a different

               or worse effect on you because of who you are. This is

               indirect discrimination.

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