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Alyson Malach: Director of Equality and Diversity UK

Alyson Malach. Director of Equality and DIversity UK

Alyson's background in teaching and management was gained in Further Education Colleges where she held a number of senior management posts in Loretto 6th Form, Preston, Liverpool and Bolton colleges.

She has worked in the post-16 education sector since 1985, starting in the area of Special Educational Needs and developing her portfolio of work to include teacher education, work with disadvantaged groups, community cohesion and equality, diversity and inclusion.

Alyson is the author of a number of publications and articles on education and equality. Her most significant publication ‘Colour Blind’ was published by NIACE.

As Director of Equality and Diversity UK Ltd, Alyson has developed and published a number of equality and diversity resources these resources can be viewed at 

Prior to setting up Equality and Diversity UK, Alyson was the Head of Lifelong Learning in Manchester, based in the Education Department and responsible for student grants, community learning, prison education, compulsory education and adult and community-based learning. A significant part of her role was to work closely with the police, social services, health services and voluntary and community organisations to address education and social issues in the communities of Manchester.

Alyson currently specialises in a range of HR Management, Education, Equality and social issues related training/consultancy, and works independently or in partnership with provider organisations.

She continues to develop resources and publications that focus on educational/employment issues, across all of the protected characteristics.

She works across the charity, community, public and private sector

Alyson was a valued member of the national LSC Equality and Diversity Committee from 2001 to its closure in 2010 and was a member of the Lancashire LSC Board, where she served for six years as their Equality and Diversity Champion, as well as providing them with consultancy and advice on equality issues.

Other work outside of education includes having been a member of the Manchester Advisory Committee where she was involved in the recruitment and selection of Magistrates to ensure that the Magistracy reflected the diverse population of Manchester.

She is also the Chair of the Board of Cartwheel Arts in Heywood and the Chair of Chesham Primary School Governing Body

Greater Manchester Race Equality Panel

Alyson is one of the 24 members of The Greater Manchester Race Equality Panel which brings together a set of experts and leaders from across the city region's diverse communities to tackle racism and discrimination.

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