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Courageous Conversations about Race

Join us for an engaging and transformative evening of open dialogue on race and equity.

In a safe and inclusive virtual space, we invite participants to share their experiences, perspectives, and insights on various topics related to race relations and social justice.

Facilitated by experienced moderators, this event encourages participants to engage in open, honest, and respectful conversations.

Together, let's explore ways to dismantle systemic barriers and create a more just and equitable society for all.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of Courageous Conversations about Race. Reserve your spot today!

Limited places available - click here to register your place

Next Meeting: 30th July 2024. 6 pm to 8 pm via Zoom

Intersectionality Series: Exploring Race and Gender

Join us for a critical discussion on Race and Gender in our next session on July 30. This topic is especially pertinent in light of the recent treatment of Diane Abbott MP.

Why Race and Gender are Ongoing Issues:

  • Workplace Discrimination: 79% of Black and South Asian women have faced discrimination.
  • Identity Changes: Many alter their demeanour or names to fit in at work.
  • Job Search Delays: It takes Black women 2 months longer than white women to find their first job.
  • Pay Disparity: In 2024, Black Caribbean women earn 18% less on average than men.
  • Mistaken Identity: Asian women are 7 times more likely to be mistaken for someone of the same race and ethnicity.

What we will discuss:

  • Code Switching: Understanding why 75% of ethnically diverse women change their behaviour at work.
  • Giving a Voice: The importance of inclusivity in the workplace.
  • Career Progression Transparency: How ethnicity affects career growth for ethnically diverse women.

By attending, you will:

  • Learn why ethnically diverse women face dual disadvantages.
  • Hear strategies to tackle these issues.
  • Explore actionable steps for organisations to address these challenges.
  • Collaborate virtually with like-minded individuals.
  • Share and listen to lived experiences.
  • Forge new connections.
  • Leave inspired and hopeful.

Join us to explore these critical issues and drive meaningful change.

Registration Form

Why Equality and Diversity UK?

Equality and Diversity UK, in operation since 1997, works nationally and internationally to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion in education, employment, health services, and communities.

By engaging in courageous conversations about race, we believe we can shape a better future for all.

Join us in a Transformative Event

Imagine a world where every child feels included, psychologically safe, and supported within and outside the school walls. Envision a future where allies stand up against racial abuse, ensuring equal opportunities for everyone.

Our Vision: Breaking Chains

Join us to break the chains of racial discrimination, harassment, victimisation, bullying, anger, or isolation. Let's create a space where children and young people can thrive unburdened by the harsh realities of discrimination and inequality.

Your Support Matters

Unfortunately, racial discrimination persists in our local communities, pushing many families into painful acts of code-switching and assimilation. Your support can make a lasting impact on the lives of those who need it the most. Let's Build a community

Sign up now to be part of this transformative journey towards a future where every child and family has the chance to thrive, unburdened by the harsh realities of discrimination and inequality.

Join us in creating a community where everyone can live with dignity, respect, and equal opportunities.

To register, please complete the registration form below

Courageous Converations about Race Registration Form

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