Page 14 - Supporting Anti-Racist practice in Schools
P. 14

Children from black, Asian and minority

                                                              ethnic backgrounds will hear, in learning
                                                              about racism in society, that they must

                                                              work much harder for the same recognition

                                                              as their White peers.

                                                              Racism can be obvious, like racial slurs
                   IMPACTS OF                                 thrown your way, but it is more often subtle

                                                              and restrained.
                               RACISM                         Some call it “unintentional” or “unconscious

                                                              bias” as though intent mitigates impact when
                                                              you are on the receiving end of being


                                                              Subtle in nature and therefore hard to call

                                                              out, racism as practised on an institutional

                                                              level hides in plain sight.

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