Page 3 - Anti-Racism Pocketbook for Schools and Academies
P. 3
Our children’s experiences at school must be positive;
ethnically diverse parents/carers need to have faith and trust
in our teachers. They need to see/feel that teachers, support
staff, volunteers, SLA suppliers and leaders understand and
that they are there to protect all children and young people.
We need reassurance that they believe in our children
regardless of the colour of their skin and that our ethnically
diverse children matter too.
Ethnically diverse parents/carers hope that teachers
understand the challenges they/their children face and know
that at times they don't have the same opportunities as
others due to racism, Subtle Acts of Exclusion, prejudice, and
other significant barriers.
As parents/carers our lived experiences inform us that the
journey to adulthood and success might be difficult and we
feel that if teachers could empathise and provide extra
support and safe spaces for our children to talk, share and to
grow, they would have enriched experiences and have better
opportunities to be recognised, valued, listened to and to
take part and feel as though they belong.
It is important for society that subjects taught in school
reflect all of our lives, our histories, and diverse role models.
This will endorse the commitment to being anti-racist and
prove that ethnically diverse lives matter, and will help
reduce conscious/unconscious racism, stereotypes, and hate.