The Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Network for Schools is committed to equality, diversity and social inclusion; supporting organisations to develop awareness, understanding and skills to promote equality and tackle discrimination.
This Network is for primary and secondary schools
The Network aims :
- To support schools to embed EDI into everyday practice
- To support schools in developing EDI policies, processes, procedures, practice and promotion of equality
- To support school staff to keep up to date with equality legislation,
- To reduce pupils vulnerability to radicalisation and extremism
- To support staff to be inclusive in curriculum development which prepares children for society in which they will socialise, live and work
- To support schools in supporting children to be proud of who they are and to acknowledge and embrace differences and uniqueness
- To support schools to create a positive school culture where everyone communicates effectively, challenge inequalities and feel confident and competent in delivering on equality, diversity, Inclusion and belonging