Page 2 - Introduction to Supporting Ethnically Diverse Families with Neurodiversity
P. 2

Introduction to Supporting Ethnically Diverse Families with

            Neurodiversity encompasses a range of neurological differences,

            including autism, dyslexia, and ADHD, which impact how individuals
            perceive and interact with the world.

            For children, young people, and their families from ethnically diverse

            communities, accessing appropriate support in the workplace and

            education system can be fraught with additional challenges. These

            include cultural misunderstandings, biases, and a lack of culturally
            competent care.

            It is imperative that professionals and service providers recognise and

            address these challenges through culturally aware and competent

            The following case studies illustrate the lived experiences of ethnically

            diverse individuals navigating neurodiversity, highlighting the barriers

            they face and offering best practice advice for professionals.
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