Page 14 - Race Awareness Pocket Book
P. 14

Race inequality in Education

               Discrimination or abuse based on race or ethnicity had

               been witnessed by 18.8% of all respondents to a recent

               higher education survey.

               29.8% of BME respondents had directly experienced

               such discrimination or abuse;

               Most reported discrimination was from other academic

               staff, but a significant proportion (20.5%) was from

               students, and 14.5% was from the public;

               Awareness of university policies and national

               legislation designed to prevent and protect against

               discrimination and abuse is poor.

               Over a third of respondents were unaware of the

               Equality Act 2010; this figure was higher for non-UK,

               BME and early career respondents;

               Most BME respondents (76.5%) who had made use of

               their university’s equality and inclusion policies were

               dissatisfied with them

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