Page 24 - Anti-Racism Pocketbook for Schools and Academies
P. 24

Case Studies

            Moving to the UK from the Middle East in 1980s, Surina faced

            much discrimination during her early days as an F grade senior

            nurse for the NHS. Although she was a confident woman, she

            faced issues such as a lack of communication and direct rudeness
            from her ward manager. She described days of arriving home in

            tears due to the lack of support that she had from management.

            The longer she worked there, she stated that not only did she

            feel neglected by her manager, but she also felt excluded from

            other staff members and doctors within her ward.

            Although at first, they got along, she stated that as time
            progressed, she felt her decisions being undermined constantly.

            Instead of communicating with her, they were communicating

            with an E grade staff nurse instead.

            Surina explained that this bullying caused her to feel paranoid,

            and she began to question her competencies and her mind. She

            stated that, “I started questioning my competencies because
            people make you feel like that, make you feel incapable, make

            you feel incompetent, you know you become paranoid, you felt

            isolated, and I felt like that. “

            To help gain her confidence back due to a clear case of

            gaslighting, Surina began to record every episode of racial


            After receiving a complaint from her manager, she contacted the

            Royal College of Nursing for external support.

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