Page 31 - Supporting Anti-Racist practice in Schools
P. 31

One example teachers may regularly come across
                                                           is the use of song lyrics containing language which

                                                           could be considered as a racial slur.

                                                           In these cases, it is important that young people

                                                           understand that whilst the song may be written by

                                                           someone who arguably has the right to reclaim and

                                                           use that language how they wish, it is
      TACKLING                                             inappropriate for them to repeat the lyrics in

                                                           school (regardless of their intentions).

      LANGUAGE                                             Repeating this type of language in school is

                                                           sometimes used as part of bullying behaviour,

                                                           partly due to the fact that it is easy to deny any

                                                           intention to offend.

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