Training • Resources • Network

Tackling Race Discrimination in the Workplace

Racial equality in the workplace is concerned with breaking down the barriers that currently block opportunities for ethnically diverse people. It aims to identify and minimise the barriers that exclude ethnically diverse people and to take action to achieve equal access to all aspects of work for them.


The first step is acknowledging the injustices currently present and expressing your commitment to doing better. It’s critical that there are actions to back up your words or else they’ll remain empty promises. Employers can do this by initiating productive and respectful discussions, forming employee resource groups, training on preventing harassment and discrimination and creating channels where employees feel safe speaking up about racial issues.

Ensuring you have diverse voices represented at all levels of the organisation will help to create an inclusive workplace. Diverse work forces support empathy and compassion between people beyond their race in that the awareness shared during training/development goes on to influence relationships and eventually work practices.

Tackling Race Discrimination in the Workplace training course

This course is available as an In-House Course only

In House Training Enquiry

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Course Aims

This course aims to:

  • increase your awareness of what constitutes racism in the working environment
  • build your confidence and skills in challenging racism and responding appropriately in a work setting.
  • provide opportunities to have courageous conversations about race
  • share anti-racist strategies to support Allyship within the working environment
  • support staff to action plan for change

Course Objectives

By the end of the course delegates will:

  • have an increased understanding of how to recognise racism
  • be better equipped to respond to racist incidents
  • have a greater understanding of appropriate terminology
  • be more aware of the need for anti-racist practice
  • understand the need to critically reflect on personal prejudices and professional practice
  • be aware of the need for a culturally affirming organisational ethos for all.

Course Content

  • Promoting Equality and Tackling Racism in the workplace
  • What Does the Law Say? 
  • Recognising, Responding and Challenging Racist Incidents
  • The Language of Race Equality 
  • Anti-racism / ideas / resources
  • Questions/courageous conversations
  • Action planning

Who is it for?

  • Private Sector Organisations
  • Public Sector Organisations
  • Third Sector Organisations


All our training is tailored to meet the needs of the organisation, so we would go through your specific requirements and develop a course to meet those requirements.

Click here to see our pre-course questionnaire. This will let us know the objectives you have for the training and an idea of any specific areas you want to be covered.

Once we receive this, we will be able to provide you with a course outline tailored to your needs.

How is the course taught?

This can be delivered as a face-to-face course or via Zoom online video conferencing.

Our trainers are experienced professionals. It offers a range of methods to help participants develop both skills and knowledge. These include direct formal input, small and large group discussions and exercises and case study material.

For further information, please complete the enquiry form or call us on 0161 763 4783.

We can develop or modify a course specifically to meet your organisation's needs. If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact us


In House Course

Full Day: £895

Half Day (up to 3 hours): £595

Courses run via Zoom, recommended maximum 10 delegates per session - up to 15 if required
Face to Face courses: maximum 20 delegates per session

Travel costs are in addition for face to face courses. Please see our Costs and Agreement

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Open Courses

Train the Trainer

One day in-depth training on the effective delivery of equality and diversity. This workshop will enable you increase your effectiveness in designing, planning and delivering Equality and Diversity within your own and other organisations

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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

This course covers the principles of Equality and Diversity in the workplace including both awareness and responsibilities. This course explores attitudes, values and belief in a safe and fair environment taking it far beyond the legislation. We look at the business, moral and legal case for equality.

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Equality Champions

Equality Champions (often known as Diversity Champions) are recognised as playing a central role in disseminating good practice and encouraging the promotion of equalities within organisations. Equality Champions should be formally represented on the Board of Trustees and/or Equality and Diversity Committees

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Unconscious Bias

The training is intended to alert participants to bias that could affect decisions regarding recruitment, promotion and attitudes to others in the workplace.

The programme includes flexible working initiatives and mentoring

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Race, Faith and Diversity

This training course deals with managing diversity in the workplace.

It is targeted at supporting staff and managers to proactively plan to meet the needs of racially diverse people.

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Equality Impact Assessments

Starting at the very beginning, this course takes delegates step by step through all the key elements of the Equality Analysis process.

We will demystify the EA process, assume little or no prior learning and focus on giving delegates time to debate issues, ask questions and then put into practice what they learn.

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Courageous Conversations about Race

Knowing what, when and how to challenge can be difficult. Within your role you will, at times, be required to challenge others' behaviour because you think it is potentially discriminatory; there are some attitudes, language and behaviours that are unacceptable: e.g. racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, disablist, ageist. This course prepares you to have those courageous conversations.

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Anti-Racism Training

During this in-depth training you will learn how to be a better ally and be able to understand, identify, confidently talk about and intervene to address racism and its link to white privilege and its consequences in your workplace, social circles, and relationships.

You will be better equipped to confront injustices and to have difficult conversations which is often hard to do, and empowered to be part of the change you want to see in the world.

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Micro Aggressions Training

Micro-aggressions are an example of subtle, indirect discrimination against marginalised groups; small acts of prejudice which expose the speaker’s biases and can have negative repercussions on the lives of the recipients.

Delegates learn about the impact of micro-aggressions on interactions with others and increase awareness to manage and reduce them.

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In House Training Enquiry

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