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Unconscious Bias Training Course

This course provides a non-judgmental approach aimed at understanding how unconscious bias operates in the workplace. You will find out what unconscious bias is (and is not) and learn how it can undermine organisational goals and strategies.

The course will offer you the opportunity to increase self-awareness, learn new information and get up to speed with the latest research.

We will explore the Implicit Association Test and identify actions to promote equality, tackle all forms of discrimination and foster good relationships between diverse groups of people. You will gain the skills to begin to address individual and organisational biases with confidence.  

Outline and Overview

This course explains how we can overcome our unconscious biases to improve decision making and professional relationships, and to create more open, inclusive and effective organisations. Using examples and interactive exercises, the course takes a straightforward look at one of the most important current issues in diversity management.

  • What do we mean by Unconscious Bias?
  • How to recognise the natural biases that affect us all at work
  • How to create a more positive approach to difference and so harness the benefits of diversity

This one day training course (10.00 am - 3.30 pm) provides an informative and interactive session to help delegates understand the impact of unconscious bias on their working lives and become more aware, less biased and more inclusive.

unconscous bias training course

This course is available as an In-House Course and we also run it regularly as an Open Course

In House Training Enquiry

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Why is it important?

Unconscious or unintentional bias is widespread in the workplace and usually unrecognised. It is often based on outdated and irrational assumptions about the roles of racially diverse people, people with disabilities, men and women, peoples' ages, sexuality, religion/belief at work.

It may manifest itself in language, behaviour and decisions that inhibit the recruitment and progression of skilled individuals. It usually means businesses are not acting in their own best interests by failing to make the most of all available talent.

The Approach

The course will help you recognise examples of unconscious bias and its effect on your business and give you the tools to become more aware and more inclusive. We will provide you with statistics, insights, tips and guidance.

We will facilitate discussion to inform your policies, processes, procedures, practice and business planning, so that you leave the course with ideas and practical actions points for eliminating bias.

Topics covered will include

  • An exploration of the concept of unconscious bias
  • The legal implications of bias in the workplace
  • Understanding our own biases
  • The business case for diversity and making difference work
  • Case studies and examples
  • Effecting change within our organisations
  • Business and individual goal setting.

Delegates will be invited to take part in activities

  • Before the session; you will be asked to take the online Implicit Association Test and to contribute examples of biases you have noticed in your own everyday lives.
  • During the training, you will take part in guided discussion on various issues related to unconscious bias and practical activities (group and individual) to illustrate key points.
  • After the session, you will identify personal learning/action points and aim to achieve them in your workplace.

Additional content, examples and activities can be used to customise this session. EDUK development team will discuss this with you prior to delivery to ensure the best fit for you/your organisation.

Proposed Outcomes

By the end of the training delegates will:

  • Be able to describe what unconscious bias is and how it operates in both individuals and organisations
  • Be able to identify possible bias in yourself and others
  • Be able to identify biases in your thinking and know how to manage the inappropriate behaviours that those biased attitudes can create
  • Be able to implement practical strategies to help you deal with subtle and unconscious bias in the workplace
  • Be able to define stereotyping, perceptions, assumptions, attitudes and prejudices and understand how these can operate outside of your conscious awareness
  • Be able to describe real life case studies
  • Be able to create an action plan to help you remain aware of and challenge unconscious bias at work  

Who should attend?

This course is suitable for anyone, as everyone has biases. We are all prone to jumping conclusions, misjudging people and favouring some more than others, way more than we ever realise.

This course will help delegates minimise the potentially harmful effects of unconscious bias. Delegates will be equipped with a range of tools and skills to do something about unconscious bias in the workplace


Open Course

Open Courses run via Zoom: £395 per delegate

If there are less than 3 delegates on a Zoom course, we will normally be able to finish by 1.00 pm. The full course contents will be covered

In House Course

Half Day: £595

Full Day: £895

Face to Face courses: maximum 20 delegates per session
Courses run via Zoom, maximum 15 delegates per session

Travel costs are in addition for face to face courses. Please see our Costs and Agreement

Course Dates

13 November 2024
29 January 2025
12 March 2025

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Open Courses

Train the Trainer

One day in-depth training on the effective delivery of equality and diversity. This workshop will enable you increase your effectiveness in designing, planning and delivering Equality and Diversity within your own and other organisations

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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

This course covers the principles of Equality and Diversity in the workplace including both awareness and responsibilities. This course explores attitudes, values and belief in a safe and fair environment taking it far beyond the legislation. We look at the business, moral and legal case for equality.

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Equality Champions

Equality Champions (often known as Diversity Champions) are recognised as playing a central role in disseminating good practice and encouraging the promotion of equalities within organisations. Equality Champions should be formally represented on the Board of Trustees and/or Equality and Diversity Committees

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Unconscious Bias

The training is intended to alert participants to bias that could affect decisions regarding recruitment, promotion and attitudes to others in the workplace.

The programme includes flexible working initiatives and mentoring

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Race, Faith and Diversity

This training course deals with managing diversity in the workplace.

It is targeted at supporting staff and managers to proactively plan to meet the needs of racially diverse people.

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Equality Impact Assessments

Starting at the very beginning, this course takes delegates step by step through all the key elements of the Equality Analysis process.

We will demystify the EA process, assume little or no prior learning and focus on giving delegates time to debate issues, ask questions and then put into practice what they learn.

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Courageous Conversations about Race

Knowing what, when and how to challenge can be difficult. Within your role you will, at times, be required to challenge others' behaviour because you think it is potentially discriminatory; there are some attitudes, language and behaviours that are unacceptable: e.g. racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, disablist, ageist. This course prepares you to have those courageous conversations.

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Anti-Racism Training

During this in-depth training you will learn how to be a better ally and be able to understand, identify, confidently talk about and intervene to address racism and its link to white privilege and its consequences in your workplace, social circles, and relationships.

You will be better equipped to confront injustices and to have difficult conversations which is often hard to do, and empowered to be part of the change you want to see in the world.

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Micro Aggressions Training

Micro-aggressions are an example of subtle, indirect discrimination against marginalised groups; small acts of prejudice which expose the speaker’s biases and can have negative repercussions on the lives of the recipients.

Delegates learn about the impact of micro-aggressions on interactions with others and increase awareness to manage and reduce them.

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Open Course Booking Form Unconscious Bias

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Terms and Conditions

This booking constitutes a legally binding agreement. Payment must be made before the course date. If you have not heard from us within 7 days prior to the event please contact Registrations on 0161 763 4783.

Cancellations notified more than four weeks in advance of the Course will incur no charges. Cancellations made less than four weeks before the event will be charged in full. Substitutions will be accepted right up the date of the event. We will not be held liable for the non-arrival of registration information.

A certificate will be provided for delegates that complete the post course feedback to confirm that learning has taken place.

For booking information please email: or telephone 0161 763 4783. Event Programme and address will be sent on receipt of completed booking form.

Thank you for undertaking your staff development training with Equality & Diversity UK. We hope you will find this event enjoyable and useful

In House Training Enquiry

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